Though he’s only been with REDARC since December 2019, if you’re from Western Australia you may have crossed paths with our newest member of the Area Sales Manager team, Gary Weir.
Gary has taken over from Scott Montgomery as the Area Sales Manager for WA and will be working with customers and clients across the State. We spoke to Gary to ask all the nitty gritty questions so you can get to know one of the people that represents REDARC around the country.
What were you doing before you joined REDARC?
Originally from New Zealand, I worked as an auto electrician in the 90's before moving to Australia. I was at Ashdown-Ingram for a few years after moving to Australia where I first met Anthony Kittel. I was at Baxters for 8 years, and most recently I was with Invision Lighting looking after the WA region until I started at REDARC in December.
Talk us through what an average day at REDARC consists of
A typical day starts with emails and phone calls. I do a lot of liaising with customers which often means hitting the road and paying them a visit. The day can vary from there, more calls, emails, and planning in the afternoon.

Attending expos, trade shows and opening events to meet new customers
What is the best thing about working at REDARC?
The way you are treated by people at REDARC and in the field. The company is so well respected in the industry that you go up to another level when you put on the red shirt. I’ve always liked the REDARC product and it’s been good to get to know the people in the business and the direction the business is going in. It’s very exciting.
What is your favourite REDARC product and why?
RedVision. I love the functionality of the product and enjoy showing it to people and talking them through the features of the one I have in the REDARC Hilux.
What is your dream rig? And what gadgets would you put in it?
I think the new Tesla Cyber Truck would be pretty cool, though I’m not sure how I would fit a RedVision and work lights on it though…
Tells us about your REDARC Hilux, what products do you have and why are they important?
Currently running two solar panels, one for the BCDC in-vehicle battery charger under the bonnet to auxiliary battery and one for the lithium battery in the rear. RedVision is connected to the LED lights, fridge, compressor, stereo, and ‘water tank’. Up front we have REDARC monitoring gauges, a Hummingbird Battery Monitor and GPS Speedometer.
Having these fitted to the Hilux is important because people when can see them working it makes them easier to explain and show customers. Having them on my own car also means I get to use and familiarise myself with the products across all the miles I do.

A lot of time spent on remote roads
When you’re out meeting people on the road and they ask “What REDARC product do I need?” what do you tell them?
I take them to the REDARC Hilux to show them the products we have fitted and how they work and work out what they need from there. I try to highlight that there's no one answer for every vehicle or travel type, and to make sure that when they do choose something it is clear that it's going to give them exactly what they're after.
What is your favourite travel destination in Australia?
Definitely Noosa, up in Queensland.
If you could share a meal with any 4 individuals, living or dead, who would they be and why?
Freddie Mercury for the entertainment, Tiger Woods for the golf tips, Joe Pesci for the conversation and Jennifer Aniston for the scenery.
Do you follow any sports, if so what is your favourite team?
I follow a few different sports golf, rugby, motor sport, AFL, boxing, sport shooting. Being from New Zealand my team is obviously the All Blacks.
Favourite music to listen to when on the road?
‘80s and ‘90s rock.