How do I add an extra battery to my Manager30 system?
When additional batteries are needed in the system, The new batteries must have the same characteristics as outlined below:
Type (Chemistry)
Size (AH)
When connecting batteries, they must be in parallel, we recommend that the earth connection be made on the opposite end of the battery bank to the positive connection.

When connecting the negative terminals of the multiple batteries a linking cable is required.
When connecting positive terminals, a linking cable will also be required. The auxiliary loads positive and the positive to pin 1 will now need to be located on the battery furthest away from the BNEG shunt cable/negative. See diagram below:

Make sure all cabling is not undersized including link cables between batteries. Also for the battery system/charger, ensure the battery cables are connected to the terminals correctly. Batteries must be installed by a suitably qualified person.
When the batteries are wired this way, the effects of resistance in the POS+ and NEG− wires cancel each other out and both batteries receive a more equal charge. This is to minimise the effects around unequal charge and discharge rates whereby older/ traditional wiring methods result in the first battery receiving more charge and uneven discharge than the second battery.