How to configure your RedVision Display
If your system contains a TVMS Rogue or TVMS Prime please follow our wired display configuration guide.
This information is applicable to the following products:
- TVMS Rogue (TVMS1240)
- TVMS Prime (TVMS1280)
Please note: the following steps are not applicable if you have a Manager30 or Manager Alpha without a TVMS installed.
Under the RedVision User Interface heading, tap TVMS Display.
Each display connected to the system will be listed under the RedVision User Interface heading.
If multiple RedVision Displays are installed, you can program different soft keys, home screen and status screen layouts.
Under Module Name, rename each display for easier identification (ie: front or back, inside or outside).
Tap Soft Keys.

The layout of the Soft Keys Page 1 corresponds to the location of the Soft Keys on the RedVision Display and RedVision App.

If you are selecting an Output from a TVMS Prime Output Channel, the chosen Output Channel will fill the Empty Soft Key you selected, however, if you have a TVMS Rogue, you will have more options for the control type (see below).
Tap one of the Empty Soft Keys.
Select an Output Group or Output Channel.
Output Groups will only appear if a TVMS Rogue is installed and if you have configured groups.

Under Control Logic, set your Control Type.
Toggle: Is the default, on/off operation.
Dimmer: Allows for toggling on/off and press and hold for dimming. Suitable for dimmable LED circuits.
Control parameters: Allows the percentage of dimming to be set for when the LED is switched on, adjustable from 0 - 100%.
Timer: Allows for the channel to be switched on for a specific time.
Control parameters: Allows the channel to remain on for up to 23hrs 59mins 59secs.
Bell Press: Allows the channel to be active when the switch is held down.
Tap save.

Repeat this process for the remaining Soft Keys.
If you have more than 6 Channels, tap 'Add Soft Keys' to add a new page.
Tap save.

Tap Home Screen.
Select a Home Screen layout which will be configured onto your RedVision Display and RedVision App.
There are a number of Home Screen combinations to choose from. Select the one that suits your setup or displays the items that you wish to see on your Home Screen.
Depending on the Home Screen layout you select, the app will prompt you to customise them information that will be displayed on the home screen of the RedVision Display and RedVision App.
Note: If any of these are not connected or you don’t want to display the information, leave as None.
Set a Home Screen Layout.

Below defines each Home Screen Layout option:
Home screen layout options with inverter information are only compatible when using REDARC RS3 Inverters with comms connected to the TVMS Prime.

Tap save.
With a TVMS Rogue or TVMS Prime installed, status screens can be added and accessed through the RedVision Display or RedVision App.
Tap Status Screen.
The Status Screen Settings page allows configuration of the RedVision Display Status Screens. Once the system has been configured, status screens are accessed by pushing the Right button on the RedVision Display or swiping when using the RedVision App.
There are multiple status screens which can be added to your RedVision Display Menu.
Tap 'Add Status Page' to add a status screen.

Select one or more RBus Device Status Screen layouts which will be added to your RedVision display and RedVision App menu.
The screen layout options are TVMS Overview, TVMS Fluid Tank Levels and RS3 Inverter Output.
Depending on the RBus Device Status Screen selected, this next screen will give you specific display options for the chosen screen layout.
You can name the screen layout and select the information you want displayed.
The tank status screen allows you to display two rows of tank levels, up to four on each row.
Note: If you only select two on a row, the icons will appear larger than if three or four are selected.
For Status Screen options you don’t want to display on the status screen, leave as None.
Tap Save.

To view or download the full RedVision Configuration Guide, click here.