How to program your RedVision Display
Once your configuration is complete, you're ready to program your RedVision Display.
This information is applicable to the following products:
- TVMS Rogue (TVMS1240)
- TVMS Prime (TVMS1280)
Once the configuration is complete and you are back on the main screen, tap Program.
Under Choose System, select your system by tapping Connect and allow to program.
Note: You may need to tap RESCAN for your device to appear. (This may take a few moments).
In systems that have multiple devices ensure you connect to the RedVision Display REDARC DISP rather than the Smart Battery Monitor.
Once completed, a pop-up with Success will appear on the REDARC Configurator App screen and the RedVision Display will restart.
Tap Continue.

This completes the programming.
When configuring an installation with two displays, the configuration needs to be applied to each display, please follow the programming procedure as below:
Once the configuration is complete and you are back on the Home Screen. Tap Program.
Under Choose System, select the REDARC DISP by tapping Connect and allow to program.
Note: You may need to tap RESCAN for your device to appear. (This may take a few moments).
Ensure you connect to the RedVision Display REDARC DISP rather than the Smart Battery Monitor (BATSEN).
Once the display has finished reading the devices, you will be presented with a pop-up screen to configure the two displays.

Refer to page 1-1 of this guide. Using the notes you recorded, select the display name that corresponds to the serial number shown in the app.
Tap Next.
Select the remaining option for the second display.
Tap Done.
The programming of the configuration will begin and once completed, a pop-up with Success will appear on the RedVision Configuration App screen and the RedVision displays will restart.
Tap Continue.

To view or download the full RedVision Configuration Guide, click here.