The newest addition to the Redarc In-Vehicle battery charger range is scheduled for a mid April release.
Most vehicle alternators are not designed to fully charge your auxiliary batteries, in fact most aren’t designed with auxiliary batteries in mind at all. An insufficient charge rate will shorten the life and performance of your investment, and may even result in a flat battery when you least expect it.
REDARC’s In-vehicle Battery Charger features technology designed to charge your batteries to 100%, regardless of their type or size. By providing a unique charging profile to each specific battery type, the REDARC In-Vehicle Battery Charger is able to achieve and maintain an optimal charge in your auxiliary battery, at all times.
The In-vehicle Battery Charger also features a Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) solar regulator, allowing you to deliver the maximum amount of power from your solar panels to your auxiliary battery.
Multi-stage charging saves you money by maximising battery life
Won’t leave you stranded with a flat start battery
Enjoy the freedom of solar power
Fast-charging 40 amp output gives you more power, faster
Allows for flexible installation in 12 or 24 volt vehicles.
Look out for the BCDC1240 at your nearest auto-electrician or 4WD specialty store.
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With over 45 years of innovation in rugged mobile power solutions, REDARC is thrilled to announce its latest advancement in charging, the BCDC Alpha R-Bus. Now available in a 50A model, the BCDC Alpha R enhances the capabilities of REDARC’s BCDC range, offering unprecedented smart charging and monitoring features.