REDARC employees raise over $1,500 for Junction Australia
REDARC employees raise over $1,500 for Junction Australia
September 30, 2013
REDARC employees raise over $1,500 for Junction Australia
Two of REDARC Electronics' young employees, Matt Rankine and Shaun Hards, devised a way to help those less fortunate than themselves by running a “Chop for Charity” Appeal, offering their golden locks of hair if $500.00 could be raised. The proceeds would be given to Junction Australia, a local charity, who assist people experiencing disadvantage to access sustainable, vibrant, affordable places to call home. The appeal was a great success raising $1,584.00. The shedding of their locks was celebrated at a staff lunch on Thursday 26th September with a representative from Junction Australia being handed a cheque for the proceeds of the appeal.
“The REDARC team spirit and generosity was exemplified by the “chop for charity” fundraiser yesterday, raising a fantastic amount of $1584.00. Congratulations to everyone involved and particularly Matt and Shaun for undergoing the chop!”
Anthony Kittel Managing Director
“Sincere thanks for your generosity in making the Chop for Charity such a success – we greatly appreciate your time and gifts”
Clare V MacAdam | Partnerships, Marketing & Fundraising Manager
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