How do I reduce the effects of vibration on my Tilt Switch?

Imagine for a moment that your tilt switch is a glass tube with a ball-bearing in it. As you roll the tube left and right, the ball-bearing rolls left and right. Shake the tube and the ball-bearing rattles all over the place. Now add some water to the tube. The rate at which the ball rolls slow down and it's response to vibration improves. Now add syrup; the balls rolls really slowly but is much less prone to vibration. This is known as damping the tilt switch. With electronics tilt switches, we have maximum control and can change the damping factor to reach an optimal response where the sensor is quick enough to respond but slow enough not to respond to the effects of vibration. Hummingbird Electronics' USB tilt switch is a good example of a tilt switch with configurable damping levels.