Heading off in the campervan? Powering your trip with solar panels or a solar blanket is the logical next move. Whether you plan to charge your devices or just want to keep the lights on; learn how to calculate how much power you need so you can choose the best option to suit your appliances.
With less space in modern 4WDs to install dual battery systems, people are turning toward battery boxes and portable power systems. But not all portable power is created equal, we're talking the GoBlock vs traditional battery boxes.
When we’re Overlanding and living on the road, batteries play a big part of our activities. No longer do we seem to be able to live these leisurely camping activities without the need of a fridge, lights and/or any other non-essential power-hungry device. But the big questions when choosing a battery for these systems are What Sort, What Type and How Long?
Overlanding across lengthy stretches of road can be a difficult task due to the time, few places to stop off at and the minimal amounts of cars and people. For a safer journey, keep your mind active and your power running with these tips from REDARC.
REDARC are going in depth on some of their most affordable and popular 12 Volt products on the market. The Smart Start SBI, BCDC and Fridge Kits are all perfect accessories for a weekend getaway.
Staying off-grid can be super easy with the right equipment. Here at REDARC, we have taken it back to basics to explain our Manager30 and BCDC range, to keep you connected and fully charged up!
An often underrated part of any setup, a Pure Sine Wave Inverters mean you can run all the luxuries of home while on the road. REDARC explain the ins and outs of inverters and how to choose the perfect one for any setup.
Whether you need to charge your phone, laptop or power tools on the go, or want to travel remotely with some of the luxuries from home like coffee machines and televisions, the accessory you need is a Pure Sine Wave Inverter.
Anyone who’s spent more than a bit of time off-grid knows that to live comfortably you need power, and a great way to get endless power while living and working remotely is through solar. There’s something about being in the middle of nowhere, putting the 12v solar panels out and being powered purely by the sun. We caught up with travel photographer, Dan Kiritsis to find out how portable solar panels allow him to work off-grid.