Testing your Tow-Pro Elite
To test your Tow-Pro Elite brake controller, connect a 5 - 26W bulb or automotive test light (with a bulb in it, not LED type) between the ‘ground’ pin (no. 1) and ‘brake controller output’ pin (no. 2) of your trailer 7 pin plug.

The Tow-Pro remote head LED should illuminate BLUE (if the unit is calibrated) or be flashing BLUE/GREEN if calibration is not yet complete.
For testing we need it to be in User Controlled mode, so if your LED is not GREEN then we need to change modes. To change modes, then turn the remote dial fully counter clockwise, then press and hold in the brake pedal and double press the override button. (Note: do this in a fast fashion i.e. click - click)
Once the remote head is illuminated GREEN, have someone watch the test light. With your foot on the brake pedal, as you slowly increase the dial from 0 through to 10 you will see the test light go from no brilliance to full brilliance. This is normal operation.
Once the test is completed, you can change back to Proportional mode (BLUE LED).
These steps are handy to run-through once installation is completed and if you don’t have a trailer available to connect. Once you do have a trailer available and connected, you have the ability to set the nominal brake setting. If you feel like you need more braking dial it up, if too much dial it down accordingly.
Why test with a 21W bulb?
The Tow-Pro Elite needs to be tested with a 5 – 26W bulb rather than a 55W bulb. The Tow-Pro will check for shorts on the trailer wiring and a cold 55W bulb has an initial “inrush” current as it first warms up that exceeds this trip point. The Tow-Pro will see this as an intermittent wiring short. While a hot 55W bulb is not likely to reach this trip point, it is best to use a bulb size of approximately 5 -26 watts.