BCDC updated features explained
The market leading REDARC BCDC has been the go-to product for DC-DC charging for many years. With Lithium (LiFePO4) battery technology taking over the RV market, and consumers requiring more power, REDARC have updated the BCDC range to now be better than ever.
Detailing updates to REDARC's dual input BCDC range
As of December 2019, there are two features that have been added into the BCDC Dual Input range.
The BCDC will not attempt to charge a Lithium (LiFePO4) battery if the ambient temperature is below 0°C/32°F (note LiFePO4 charging profile only). This feature is designed to help protect your Lithium battery and maximize its service life.
Lithium batteries have an internal management system, often referred to as a BMS. This is one of the great features about Lithium batteries as they can protect themselves in certain situations. One of the common issues REDARC technical support deal with is Lithium batteries turning themselves “OFF” to protect themselves from excessive discharge. This feature is ideal for protecting the battery but can be inconvenient as you need to “jump start” the battery to bring it back to life.
A new feature of the BCDC Dual Input range is that it will send voltage to the Lithium battery to “wake it back up” so to speak. Therefore, if the Lithium batteries internal BMS turns the battery “OFF”, all you will need to do is start the vehicle or introduce a solar input to turn the battery back “ON” and then allow the battery to charge and recover.
REDARC do not recommend draining any battery below a safe threshold, but we also realise that it can occur. So, if you do get yourself into this situation, you will be able to use your REDARC BCDC to recover the battery providing the auxiliary batteries voltage is greater than 0.1V (previous limit >4V) and the ambient temperature is >0°C.
Please also ensure ALL loads are disconnected from the auxiliary battery when attempting to recover. As always, if attempting to charge / recover the auxiliary battery using the vehicle's alternator the vehicle input voltage must exceed 13.2v (12.0V with ignition connected).
If there is a blown auxiliary battery fuse or no auxiliary battery connected, and the vehicle input rises above 13.2V (12.0V with ignition connected) the BCDC’s stage LED indicator will cycle and go into float within 90 seconds.
When testing BCDC’s always check the voltage between the thick BROWN and BLACK wires (as close to the BCDC as possible) to ensure the BCDC can see auxiliary battery voltage.
Any further questions please contact the REDARC technical support team via phone or email.