
Introducing REDARC's new range of Inverters

REDARC is proud to introduce a new range of Pure Sine Wave Inverters that make it possible to plug in anywhere in Australia and still get the type of 240V power you get at home.

Summer 2015 Newsletter

REDARC's Summer edition of the All Charged Up newsletter is now available.

New gauge mounting cups

REDARC is proud to announce the release of a new metal mounting cup designed specifically to compliment and suit its range of monitoring gauges.

Spring 2015 Newsletter

The Spring 2015 of REDARC's All Charged Up newsletter is now available

New-age Manufacturing at REDARC

Read the latest article on REDARC’s Managing Director, Anthony Kittel published in the Sunday Mail 18/7/15.

Not all DC to DC chargers are equal

With an ever increasing number of electrical accessories and devices being used when travelling around Australia, along with more complex vehicle electrical systems than seen in years gone by, having the right battery charging solution has never been more important.