How to secure a GoBlock
REDARC’s GoBlock is built to power your gear, wherever you go. It protects your investment, family, and adventures, ensuring your GoBlock is firmly restrained while driving.
REDARC recommends the PowerDock as a convenient connection and restraint system all in one. The PowerDock is designed and tested to keep your family and GoBlock safe in a crash situation, and it is easy to connect and disconnect the unit in seconds.
For customers who want a non-permanent installation the GoBlock provides tie-down guides so that you can safely restrain the unit. This detail can be found in the manual here.
REDARC recommend straps that meet the following specifications:
- 2x tie down straps, each with >200kg lashing strength
- 4x load rings, each with >200kg strength
Please note that the straps must be 25mm wide to suit the strap-grooves in the GoBlock.

Secure the GoBlock with tie-down straps for safe vehicle transportation. The GoBlock can be oriented along or across the vehicle.

Position the tie-down straps centrally along the length and width of the GoBlock.
Anchor point spacings must be equal to or less than the 'max' dimensions shown (measured to the centre point of the anchor point).