How to add RedVision to an existing Manager30 S2 setup
This article is only applicable to BMS1230S2 systems.
When expanding your existing Battery Management System to include RedVision, the existing BMS1230S2 Remote is no longer required and a small difference to the RBUS Communication Cable routing is necessary.
The original RBUS connected to the BMS Remote will need to be re-used, through either of the following methods:
- You may redirect the existing remote cable from the 3-way RBUS connector to one of the RBUS ports on the TVMS1280-DB Distribution Box (not the Inverter port), and use the supplied 1m RJ45 cable to connect the TVMS1280-DB to the DISP4300 Display. This setup is outlined in the diagram below.
- Alternatively use the supplied 1m RJ45 cable - fitted in place of the existing remote cable at the 3-way RBUS connector – and connect the TVMS1280-DB Distribution Box to the 3-way RBUS connector. Then use the existing remote cable to join the Distribution Box to the DISP4300 Display.